Quick Start

This guide is meant to show basic usage of uncross for a new project.

Project Creation

To begin, create a project with the uncross new command:

uncross new project

This will create a new directory in the current working directory with the structure:

├── .git
│   └── <git files>
├── include
│   └── project.h
├── src
│   ├── CMakeLists.txt
│   └── main.c
├── .clang-format
├── .clang-tidy
├── .gitignore
├── CMakeLists.txt
├── Makefile
└── uncross.toml

This project structure has a very small C program that will compile to print "Hello, !" to stdout.

Build Project

To build in debug mode:

uncross build

To build in release mode:

uncross build --release

To build both:

uncross build --all

After building, observe the following directory structure:

├── .git
│   └── <git files>
├── build
│   ├── Debug
│   │   └── <debug build files>
│   └── Release
│       └── <release build files>
├── debug
│   └── bin
│       └── project_Linux_x86_64
├── include
│   └── project.h
├── release
│   └── bin
│       └── project_Linux_x86_64
├── src
│   ├── CMakeLists.txt
│   └── main.c
├── .clang-format
├── .clang-tidy
├── .gitignore
├── CMakeLists.txt
├── Makefile
└── uncross.toml

The debug and release directories are a creation of uncross. The behavior of building the debug and release binaries in implemented in the default CMakeLists.txt, and must be reimplemented in existing projects if this behavior is desired.


uncross automates the creation of HTML reports with CodeChecker using a compilation database from CMake. To run the report and automatically open it in a browser, run:

uncross check --open

Running the above command without the --open flag will not open a browser window, and the files will be available under the release or debug directories. The check command takes the same flags as build to choose the build mode.

Linting and Formatting

uncross enables checking for lint, and automatically formatting source files, via clang-format. uncross lint will check all .c and .h files in the project for lint, and uncross fmt will automatically format them. uncross will pass an argument to clang-format to have it use a .clang-format file in the project root.